Cute Thing ♡´・ᴗ・`♡


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Static ♡

i am a endy lesbian artist who is just here to have a good time
(。•́︿•̀。) my pronouns are they/them :P

✔ likes ✔
Splatoon , Magi Madoka Magica , csh , minecraft , horror , wizard101 , Generation Loss , Stardew Valley , Pokémon , dnd , fnaf , tma , ghost , o!Ranboo , jrwi
♡ ccs i like ♡
Ranboo , Aimsey , Sneeg , Guqqie , Billzo , Shubble

basic boundaries !

art as pfp is ok just credit me in your bio , dont repost or use art without permission !! , dont be rude and correct my spelling mistakes , dont trace my art , dont sexualize my art


if you support dream or are a dream/ dteam stan , any creepy subtwt or break ccs boundaries , nsfw , racist , homophobic , or just a shit person.